Getting Ready For Your Senior Session


Looking Your Best...


The day of your portrait session you should wear your hair as you do everyday. Avoid trying new hairstyles/colors right before your session as you may not like the result. Try to have your haircut or perm done a week or two before your session as this gives it a chance to “fill in” or relax to avoid that “just cut” look. Make sure you bring with you bobby pins, hairspray, curling iron, etc. for quick fixes during your session. Hairstyle changes can be made if they are quick! Remember, the more time you spend doing your hair, the less time we have to photograph.



If you wear glasses, you can go to your eyeglass provider and let them know you are having your senior portraits taken and they should loan you a pair of empty frames identical to the ones you have. This is the easiest way for us to eliminate glass glare.



Make-up should be worn during your portrait session even if you don’t normally wear it. No makeup at all can give you a "washed out" look. When applying foundation, make sure it’s not too “heavy”. Blush or bronzer should be used to add color and contour to your skin. Eye shadow should be neutral colors that compliment your eyes. Eyeliner and mascara are great for framing, enhancing and highlighling your eyes. Lipstick or gloss is the perfect finishing touch, but be sure to pick a color that compliments the rest of your make-up. Bring your makeup along for quick touch-ups between sets.



Please remember to come clean shaven or neatly trimmed/groomed. Stubble is not something we can fix.



If you get sunburned or very dramatic tan lines, please reschedule your appointment. These can be very costly to fix.



If you break out right before your session, don't panic! This happens all the time. If you would like to you can use a little concealer, but don't use heavy makeup to cover the spots. We can retouch blemishes and acne for you on your final prints.



Please make sure both your fingernails and toenails (if having any photographs done barefoot) are neatly trimmed and groomed. Also make sure your nails are neatly painted (or not) but not something in between. We cannot retouch nail polish.



What Clothes to Bring...

Please make sure your clothing fits properly. Clothing that feels to tight or too baggy will photograph that way and make you look "sloppy".



For your formal yearbook head shot your outfit should be simple and classic. Long sleeved solid colors look best. Patterns, florals and logos are very distracting and will move the focus away from your face, to your shirt.


Other Outfits:

Bring at least one outfit that is sentimental/unique/special to you. This will help make your portraits uniquely yours.

Sleeveless is OK when it comes to your prom dress, but try to avoid sleeveless shirts. Keep in mind ladies that the upper arm doesn't photograph well. No matter your size, bare arms make you look heavier. A good rule of thumb is "The bigger the arm, the longer the sleeve should be".



Make sure you bring accesories! Bring shoes to match every outfit, and any jewelry, hats, glasses or scarves to complete your look.



Personalizing your Senior Session...



We LOVE props. Do you play any sports? Have any hobbies? Play a musical instrument? The more you bring, the more your portraits will really express “who you are”. If you have an outdoor session you can even bring your cool car, truck, motorcycle or ATV.


Bring Someone:

Please bring Mom, Dad, your best friend, your Grandma, Grandpa, Brother or Sister. This will help you feel more comfortable and we like to have someone in the camera room to help us intentify that “real” smile



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